Membership Application

  • (If different from physical address)
  • Please select the type of business you own. You may select multiple options.
  • Please select the membership level for your business. Descriptions and annual due amounts are below. Include any questions in the blank field below:
    Business with less than five (5) full-time employees. Annual membership fee: $300. This fee must be paid in full.
    Specifically designed for non-profit and not-for-profit businesses. Also applies to churches and educational groups. Annual membership fee: $300 with an additional amount of $5.00 per full-time employee.
    Business with five (5) or more full-time employees. Membership dues are calculated on a base amount of $430, with an additional amount of $5.00 per full-time employee. Annual membership fee: $430 + $5 x (amount of full-time employees.) An example of a standard business membership fee would be a business with 10 full-time employees having an annual membership of $480. Annual membership amounts may be broken down into two or four payments per year.
    Businesses that commit to Capital Foundation or President's Foundation level sponsorships on top of annual membership commitment. Sponsorship details vary. Please contact Chamber President for more information.
    Your submission of this application does not complete the Chamber membership process. Once received, a member of the Florence Chamber staff will review your application and contact you to discuss the details of membership and to process any dues or membership commitments. Thank you for your interest in the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce!