Revived Medical Training Academy Holds Ribbon Cutting

A ribbon cutting was held for Revived Medical Training Academy on Wednesday, December 9th to celebrate its membership into the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce. Chamber ambassadors joined in the celebration of the opening of the academy and its membership into the Chamber.  The academy is at 2724 W. Palmetto St., Suite 5, in Florence.  Owner Lavanda Martin said the academy provides CPR certification, continuing education for nurses, mentoring and tutoring for nursing students, and teacher certification. It also holds seminars and workshops.

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Lost Cajun Celebrates Official Opening With A Ribbon Cutting

The Lost Cajun restaurant in Florence held its grand opening on Thursday, December 10th with a ribbon cutting. The ribbon cutting also signaled its membership with the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce. Chamber ambassadors joined in the celebration. The Lost Cajun is at 2106 W. Lucas St. between Starbucks and Julia Belle’s restaurant. The franchise is owned by Florence native Terrance Thomas.

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Trendy Twist Boutique Joins Chamber And Celebrates With Ribbon Cutting

Trendy Twist Boutique celebrated joining the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, December 8th. Co-owner Gloria D. Anderson cut the ribbon. She was joined in the celebration by her daughter and co-owner, Shereca Anderson, her husband, Russell Anderson, and chamber ambassadors. The Trendy Twist Boutique, located at 910-A South Cashua Drive in Florence, opened in 2018.

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Florence Mayor Teresa Myers Ervin will speak at Chamber’s Legislative Breakfast

Florence Mayor Teresa Myers Ervin will be the guest speaker on Friday, February 26th at the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce’s Winter Legislative Breakfast. “This is a wonderful opportunity for business and community leaders to hear from Florence’s new mayor,” said Mike Miller, the chamber’s president. “We’ll hear about her vision for the city’s future and hopefully offer updates on projects and programs scheduled for the coming year.”

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Bethea Retirement Community Celebrates Expansion

The Bethea Retirement Community held two ribbon cuttings Thursday, December 3rd to celebrate its soon-to-be completed expansion project. Helping with the celebration was the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce and its ambassadors. The retirement community is at 157 Home Ave., Darlington. The new facility is the culmination of a 17-month construction project that will not increase the facility’s capacity but will offer residents nicer facilities and more freedom in how they approach their days.

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Molly Spearman Addresses Leaders at Chamber’s Annual Membership Luncheon

South Carolina Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman said she would support the eventual consolidation of all five Florence County school districts into one district serving the county.  Spearman delivered the keynote address at the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce Annual Membership Luncheon on Tuesday, December 1st in one of the Florence Center ballrooms.   After her 20-minute speech, Spearman was asked if she supports the consolidation of all five districts into one.

To read the full story, click here.

Vera Herbert named Florence Chamber Business Person of the Year

A member of the Beasley family was at the center of attention at the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce Annual Membership Luncheon for the second time in three years.  The Chamber honored Vera Beasley Herbert as its Business Person of the Year on Tuesday, December 1st at the luncheon held in one of the ballrooms of the Florence Center.  “It’s a total shock,” Herbert said. “I was absolutely not expecting it. I am so blown away by this.” Herbert currently serves as Vice President of Carolina Bank. Her responsibilities have included interest rate risk, bond portfolio management and marketing during her 18 years at the bank.

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FamilyTIES Celebrates Chamber Membership With a Ribbon Cutting

FamilyTIES, at 1512 W. Evans St. in Florence, celebrated joining the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, November 25th with a ribbon cutting. Tene` Williams, owner/operator, cut the ribbon with family and chamber ambassadors joining in.  FamilyTIES offers case management services and early intervention. It is a provider for Babynet, an interagency early intervention system for children under 3 years of age with developmental delays, or who have conditions associated with developmental delays, and case management for community long-term care, offering programs to help people who need assistance but want to live at home.

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Southern Events Celebrates With a Ribbon Cutting After Joining the Chamber of Commerce

Southern Events photography celebrated joining the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce on Monday, November 23rd with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the chamber.  Joining owner Kim Garand were chamber ambassadors.  Garand is an event photographer, covering everything from conventions, corporate events, galas, fundraisers, to smaller events such as wedding, birthdays and holiday parties. While Garand provides the photography for the event, her photo booths provide entertainment for guests.

To read the full story, click here.

Ruiz Foods Awards $7,815 to Teachers in Florence 1 Schools

Ruiz Foods has awarded a total of $7,815.69 to Florence 1 Teachers who submitted innovative classroom grant ideas in the Ruiz Program Mini-Grants for Teachers Program. Funding priorities included are Basic Needs – essential materials required to carry out curriculum work and meet the basic needs of all students in the classroom; Impact – potential to improve student achievement, potential for continuation/replication, potential to enhance instructional skills; Innovation – creativity of the project, innovative approach, academic objective with curriculum context;  Planning – clear plan for project implementation, teacher capability, cost effectiveness and a realistic budget.

To read the full story, click here.