Downtown Florence Growing: New Businesses, Projects Coming

Businesses and projects coming to Florence’s downtown represent about $184 million in reinvestment over the next five years, according to Hannah Davis, development manager for the city. — Downtown Florence went from a 42% vacancy rate to a 4% vacancy rate in the historic district in the past 20 years, Davis said. Just in the last 10 years, $300 million has been put into reinvestment downtown, Davis said.

The downtown master plan calls Florence the civic and cultural hub of the region. Davis said the future of Florence is to continue to serve this role in the Pee Dee region.

“I think that Florence, 20 years from now, will be a competitive hub for commerce and for people to choose to live in the Pee Dee region,” Davis said. “And I think that will also help with growth in our tertiary markets, throughout the county and throughout other counties in the Pee Dee region. You know, rising tides absolutely lift all boats.”……..

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