Resources Available for Businesses Impacted by Tropical Storm Debby

Tropical Storm Debby has caused significant flood and other damage across the Palmetto State. If your business sustained any damage during the storm, you can report the damage by completing the South Carolina ESF-24 Emergency Response Survey. Emergency Support Function (ESF)-24 exists to support business and industry during natural disasters. The South Carolina Department of Commerce is the coordinating agency for ESF-24, which is made up of 13 agencies and organizations that integrate with the business community.

The SC Emergency Resources Dashboard is a one-stop-shop portal for the latest information during times of disaster including power outages, road and bridge closures, shelter locations, executive orders, and more.

The SC Business Reentry Program allows businesses into areas under curfew or evacuation order prior to the general public, helping businesses get back up and running prior to the community returning. This program is available to any business that is registered and found in good standing with the South Carolina Secretary of State’s Office. Registration is free and takes less than five minutes to complete. Once completed, you will receive a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) applicable for three years. Questions about the reentry program can be e-mailed to