Chamber’s Outlook Luncheon

The Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce held their annual Business Outlook Luncheon on Wednesday, March 19th at Florence Center with a sell-out crowd of 535 local business and civic leaders in attendance.

South Carolina’s Attorney General, Alan Wilson, addressed the luncheon attendees covering topics on the fight against human trafficking to public safety here in South Carolina. As Attorney General, his focus on fighting human trafficking has improved the ranking of South Carolina to best in the nation for improving its human trafficking laws and last year’s report showed continued improvement in fighting that crime.

The Chamber’s Outlook Luncheon also included the announcement of the Public Servant of the Year as Clint Moore, Florence Assistant City Manager. The award was presented by Dr. Fred Carter, President of Francis Marion University.

The Small Business Person of the Year was also presented to David Fountain, Chief Operating Officer & Co-Owner of the Florence UPS Stores with other stores in Sumter, Summerville, and Charleston. The award was presented by Jim Ivey, President & CEO, Dedicated Community Bank.

The Chamber recognized its 2025 Chamber Ambassador of the Year, Michael Hinson.

Photos by True Light Photography
To see more photos from the event, click here.