HopeHealth Hosted Streater Community Center Grand Opening

On February 27, HopeHealth and the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce hosted a Grand Opening and Business After Hours event at the Streater Community Center. The event featured food, drinks, and networking, and allowed attendees to learn more about HopeHealth’s community outreach services.

Located at 301 N. Dargan Street, the Streater building has a rich African American history dating back to 1904. The Streater Community Center is used to strengthen community engagement and decrease barriers to care by enhancing the availability and accessibility of programs focused on underserved populations such as seniors, Veterans, and Black men.

At the event, HopeHealth CEO Carl Humphries provided insight into the building’s legacy and future. He shared, “HopeHealth was given the opportunity to purchase the building in 2018 and quickly decided to honor its rich history through a restoration and renovation project with financial support from the great state of South Carolina. The Streater Community Center stands as a testament to the vibrant spirit of our community. HopeHealth aims to honor this historic landmark through dynamic engagement, empowerment, and wellness offerings to our community and patients.”

Close to 20 descendants of the Streaters, the original owners of the building, traveled from all over the country for this special event. There was also representation from many elected officials from the local, state, and national levels who came to express their support.

To read the full press release, click here.