House Unveils FY2025-26 Budget Plan
Last week, the S.C. House Ways and Means Committee unveiled its roughly $14 billion spending plan for FY2025-26 (H.4025). Lawmakers will have roughly $1.9 billion in new money (recurring and non-recurring) to appropriate in this year’s budget according to an updated forecast provided last week by the state’s Board of Economic Advisors (BEA).
Notable items included in the House budget are:
- $200 million for individual income tax relief.
- $200 million to the Department of Transportation (SCDOT) for the acceleration of bridge infrastructure improvements throughout the state. 
- $112 million to raise teacher salaries and increase starting teacher pay from $47,000 to $48,500.
- $90 million for technical college scholarships for critical needs jobs through the SC Workforce Industry Needs Scholarship Program (SCWINS). 
- $13.1 million to the Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) for the Find Your Future portal.
- $1.4 million for rural teacher recruitment.
The full House will debate the budget the week of March 10. More info on the House budget proposal can be found here.