Women In Commerce Luncheon Held Last Week

The Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce played host to the second Women in Commerce Luncheon on Thursday, August 29th at the Florence Center. A sold-out crowd enjoyed mocktails. networking and special hospitality visits with MUSC of Florence and McLeod Health before the luncheon program.

The event featured Julie Janson, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer for Duke Energy Carolinas as the keynote speaker covering various topics centered on women’s career growth.

It was also great having Donna Isgett, President and CEO of McLeod Health, Costa King Cockfield, Chief Nursing Officer for MUSC Health Florence Medical Center and Marva Smalls, Executive Vice President of Public Affairs, Chief of Staff for Nickelodeon attending.

The program was sponsored by Duke Energy with support from McLeod Health and MUSC of Florence. Photos by Phillip Guyton.

To see more photos, click here.