Junior Leadership Florence County Holds Retreat In Cherry Grove

On August 1st and 2nd, the 2024-2025 Jr. Leadership Florence County Class attended their Opening Retreat at the SC FFA Camp in Cherry Grove. Students participated in team building and leadership development while form new bonds with fellow students. They learned more about each other while strengthening their development skills. This y ears class is genuinely another fantastic group of students for the tenth year of the program. The students will reconvene at the end of August for their first of 8 monthly sessions for Education Day. The JLFC 4-H Program is made possible through the partnership of Clemson University Cooperative Extension Florence County/4-H, Francis Marion University, and the Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce, as well as the involvement of the Florence County community. Thank you to the SC FFA Camp Staff for our stay and to Florence County School District Two for providing student transportation.

To see more photos from the retreat, click here.